The "Gap Theory" is Wrong .



If there is a 2000+ year gap between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel (as modern Christians claim) why doesn't Daniel, or any other scriptures mention it ? THE WHOLE "GAP THEORY" IS BASED ON SPECULATION, NOT SCRIPTURE ... and yet entire denominations are built upon this assumption.
Daniel was adamant that ALL of these things would take place during the 70 Weeks (490 year time frame) that he laid out, starting with the decree to rebuild the Temple. Yet modern Christians insist that the time frame extends 2,000 years (completely ignoring Daniel). This is called Dispensationalism.
Daniel prophesied that in the "Last Days" Christ would be cut off after 62 weeks.
Dan 9:26 ... "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off."
The writer of HEBREWS confirmed the "Last Days" time frame had already arrived in Hebrews 1:2 ... "but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son."


Referring to the "last days" ... God told Daniel to seal up the vision "for it is a LONG WAY OFF." (Daniel 12:4)
While writing the book of Revelation, God told John ... "Do not seal up the vision for it concerns things that must SHORTLY COME TO PASS." Rev 22:10
If a "Long way off" was 490 years (in Daniel) ... How can "SHORTLY COME TO PASS" be 2,000 years (in Revelation) ??   

John wrote the book of Revelation as a warning to the early church about the destruction that was "shortly to take place" ... and that destruction came in 70AD (the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem). The Book of Revelation was imminent for THEM not us.


Daniel 9:26 ... "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off.... And the people of the prince who is to come (Titus) shall destroy the city (Jersualem) and the sanctuary (Temple)... And till the end of THE WAR (Jewish/Roman war) desolations are determined.
The Jewish rebellion against the Roman Empire began in 66 A.D. By the Spring of 67AD, NERO sent his general Vespasian to put down the rebellion.
2 Thessalonians 2:4 ... "He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God."
The Jewish Talmud says in Gittin 56b ...
"Vespasian sent Titus who said, 'Where is their God, the rock in whom they trusted?' This was the wicked Titus who blasphemed and insulted Heaven. What did he do? He took a harlot by the hand and entered the Holy of Holies and spread out a scroll of the Law and committed a sin on it."
With this Jewish account, we can see how Titus exalted himself above God in the Holy of Holies - even if it was just a joke to garner a laugh from his friends.
                           No photo description available.
“Loose the FOUR AGENTS bound at the great river EUPHRATES.” (Rev 9:14) - (Koine Greek Bible)
"Loose the FOUR MESSENGERS who are bound at the great river Euphrates." (Rev 9:14) - (Young's Literal Translation)
Titus’ army consisted of four legions:
Legio V Macedonica,
Legio X Fretensis,
Legio XII Fulminata,
Legio XV Apollinaris.
According to the Jewish historian Josephus, all FOUR of these legions were stationed at the EUPHRATES in A.D. 63 during the Roman-Parthian War
The book of Revelation confirms this. In Revelation 9:14 we see that at the time in which John saw his vision, the four agents/messengers were presently at the Euphrates. According to Josephus, the only year of Nero’s reign in which all four of Titus’ legions were stationed at the Euphrates was in A.D. 63 in response to the Parthian threat.
Revelation 11:1-2 ... "I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, "Go and measure the temple and the altar, and count the worshipers there. But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample over the Holy City for 42 months." (3 and a half years).
This passage has absolutely NOTHING to do with a FUTURE tribulation. It's ancient history.

The Jewish/Roman war began in 66 A.D.  ... 42 months later, in September of 70AD, Jerusalem fell to the Romans as they trampled the city and destroyed the temple. The Jewish/Roman war dragged on for seven years, ending at Masada in 74AD. (Therefore, this is not a future scenario).
At the mid-point, after 1260 days (3.5yrs) the Roman armies entered Jerusalem. According to JOSEPHUS, this was God's wrath upon "apostate Israel." The Roman armies of Titus would "Exact God's wrath" upon the unbelieving Jews during this time ... as prophesied - the priesthood was slaughtered - and their fancy temple demolished.
Daniel 12:11 ... “From the time that the DAILY SACRIFICE is abolished and the ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION is set up, there will be 1,290 days. “HOW BLESSED IS HE WHO ATTAINS TO THE 1,335 DAYS!”
After 1,290 days the daily sacrifices ceased, and the Roman soldiers defiled the temple with their ensigns. There were EXACTLY 1,335 DAYS from the 9th of Av of A.D. 70 (when the Romans worshiped the ensigns at the Temple) to the 1st day of peace after the fall of Masada (15th of Nisan A.D. 74) when the war officially ended.
The Jewish historian Josephus recorded in WARS - (book 6. chapt 9. section 3-4) that 3 million Jews were trapped in Jerusalem in 70AD ... and just over a million were killed, in exact FULFILLMENT of Revelation 9:18 ... - which said a "third" of men would be killed.
Revelation 9:18 ... "by these three were the THIRD of men killed, from the FIRE, and from the SMOKE, and from the BRIMSTONE, that is proceeding out of their mouth."


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