The Law of the Spirit vs The Law of Moses


Galatians 5:14 ... "For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this ONE COMMAND: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
But Jesus took that ONE COMMAND (which summarized the Law) to a whole new level by giving a NEW command in it's place ... creating a whole NEW standard.
JOHN 13:34 ... "A new command I give to you. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU."
That's a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE difference, which requires a SUPERNATURAL manifestation of His Spirit on the inside of you, because there is no other way of actually keeping this new standard in your own strength.
In doing this ... Jesus RAISED THE BAR much higher than the previous Law . This ONE command makes the Law of Moses look WEAK and USELESS (because it is).
HEBREWS 7:18 ... "The former regulation (Law) was set aside because it was WEAK and USELESS."
Remember the rich young ruler ? He bragged about following ALL the commandments since he was a boy ... but when Jesus instructed him to sell everything he owned and give it away ... THE RICH YOUNG RULER CHOKED ... HE COULDN'T DO IT ! (See the problem?) ... The Law was incapable of changing his heart and mind.
Today, there are a lot of "good Christians" adhering to the old standard (the Law of Moses) ... but very few are able to love others in the same way JESUS loved us. This requires a supernatural baptism in the Spirit of God .
Meanwhile, modern Christians are still trying to please God through the Law of Moses (like the rich young ruler), but this is completely missing the mark (the heart of God) ... It always has and always will .
Hebrews 7:12 ... "For when the priesthood is changed, the Law must be changed as well."
When Jesus became our high priest, guess what happened ? THE LAW CHANGED !! - It went from the Law of Moses (weak & useless) to the Law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus (supernatural LOVE).
Ephesians 2:15 ... "by ABOLISHING the LAW OF COMMANDMENTS expressed in ordinances, He created in Himself one new man in place of the two (Jew & Gentile), so making peace."
The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Love) sets us free from the Law of sin and death” (the Law of Moses).
The Kingdom of Heaven is not held together by Rules & Regulations (Laws), but by something much, much stronger ... L-O-V-E . - We need to understand the difference between the Law of Moses and the Law of the Spirit. - One requires supernatural LOVE ... the other doesn't.
Galatians 6:2 ... "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

The ‘debate’ between Law and Grace is the very difference between depression and joy. Sickness and health. Stress and peace. Condemnation and righteousness.
But the idea of limitless Grace still makes most Christians uncomfortable ... so they try to hold on to a little bit of Law to appease their carnal religious mindset ... not realizing the Law actually arouses carnality (Rom 5:20).
That is why I stress the importance of meditating on the following passages. - These are the scriptures that irritate a lot of "good Christians" living under the Law.
Law increases sin. (Rom 5:20)
“the power of sin is the Law.” (1 Cor 15:56)
"For apart from the law SIN IS DEAD." (Rom 7:8)
"Sin is NOT taken into account where there is no Law." (Rom 5:13)
"And where there is no Law there is NO TRANSGRESSION." (Rom 4:15)
By the way, if you give a presentation of the Gospel which never gets the Romans 6:1 objection, then I submit to you that you are probably not teaching the same Gospel Paul was.
If, after teaching about grace, no one says to you, “So are you saying I can just sin all I want?” - then you probably have not taught what Paul taught. - I call that the "GRACE LITMUS TEST."
For those asking the question “So can I just go sin all I want?” - this simply shows they do not fully understand the love of God, the grace of God, or even God Himself!
It also reveals that they do not understand the devastating and destructive consequences of sin.
Asking the question, “can I just sin all I want” reveals they don’t understand how painful sin can be.
My question to that person is ...
WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO SIN after receiving such unlimited Grace ?
Encountering His Grace changes our desires ... and the more you encounter it, the more you CHANGE. - Whereas the Law of Moses was incapable of changing our hearts and minds.
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