
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Law of the Spirit vs The Law of Moses

  Galatians 5:14 ... "For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this ONE COMMAND : "Love your neighbor as yourself." . But Jesus took that ONE COMMAND ( which summarized the Law ) to a whole new level by giving a NEW command in it's place ... creating a whole NEW standard. . JOHN 13:34 ... "A new command I give to you. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU." . That's a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE difference, which requires a SUPERNATURAL manifestation of His Spirit on the inside of you, because there is no other way of actually keeping this new standard in your own strength. . In doing this ... Jesus RAISED THE BAR much higher than the previous Law . This ONE command makes the Law of Moses look WEAK and USELESS (because it is). . HEBREWS 7:18 ... "The former regulation (Law) was set aside because it was WEAK and USELESS ." ________________________________________   Remember the rich young ruler ? He bragged about following ALL the commandments sinc