
The "Gap Theory" is Wrong .

  ******************** If there is a 2000+ year gap between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel (as modern Christians claim) why doesn't Daniel, or any other scriptures mention it ? THE WHOLE "GAP THEORY" IS BASED ON SPECULATION , NOT SCRIPTURE ... and yet entire denominations are built upon this assumption. . Daniel was adamant that ALL of these things would take place during the 70 Weeks (490 year time frame) that he laid out, starting with the decree to rebuild the Temple. Yet modern Christians insist that the time frame extends 2,000 years (completely ignoring Daniel). This is called Dispensationalism. . Daniel prophesied that in the "Last Days" Christ would be cut off after 62 weeks. . Dan 9:26 ... "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off ." . The writer of HEBREWS confirmed the "Last Days" time frame had already arrived in Hebrews 1:2 ... "but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son." *********

The Joseph Pattern

            It is impossible to properly teach the biblical "Last Days" and "Second Coming," without first recognizing the recurring patterns of apocalyptic language from the Old Testament.   For example, in Isaiah 13:10, we read about the destruction of the ancient city of Babylon. It is described in terms of the SUN, MOON and STARS ceasing to function (does that sound familiar?).       Isaiah 13:10 ...  "The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. "   This passage in Isaiah uses hyperbolic "apocalyptic language" (a common writing style in ancient Hebrew culture) to describe the judgment that was to come upon Babylon and its leaders.   That same "hyperbolic language" was used before judging ancient Egypt ...                                              In reading this chapter, we find that God used an opposing army to defeat


                   "Heaven and Earth" was an expression signifying ALL THINGS, pertaining to the political, economic and religious life of the Jewish nation. In that culture, the tabernacle/temple, was designed to be a microcosm of "heaven and earth," the point at which the two united ... it was considered as the SUN, so to speak, around which the Jewish world revolved.   In Deut 31:26-28 the "Old Covenant Law" and the "Temple System" were called " Heaven & Earth ." The Jews always referred to their Temple System as " Heaven and Earth ," for it was the pattern of heavenly things (See Ps 78:69, Deut 32:1 & Deut 4:26) . Peter prophesied that the Temple System would burn with fervent heat along with the elements or religious trappings that were part of that system. That prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD when the temple was destroyed by fire. You are the New Temple ... the New Heaven & Earth ... the NEW cre

The Law of the Spirit vs The Law of Moses

  Galatians 5:14 ... "For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this ONE COMMAND : "Love your neighbor as yourself." . But Jesus took that ONE COMMAND ( which summarized the Law ) to a whole new level by giving a NEW command in it's place ... creating a whole NEW standard. . JOHN 13:34 ... "A new command I give to you. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU." . That's a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE difference, which requires a SUPERNATURAL manifestation of His Spirit on the inside of you, because there is no other way of actually keeping this new standard in your own strength. . In doing this ... Jesus RAISED THE BAR much higher than the previous Law . This ONE command makes the Law of Moses look WEAK and USELESS (because it is). . HEBREWS 7:18 ... "The former regulation (Law) was set aside because it was WEAK and USELESS ." ________________________________________   Remember the rich young ruler ? He bragged about following ALL the commandments sinc


  _________________________________________ Rom 16:20... "The God of peace, will SOON crush Satan under your feet." (spoken to a 1st century audience). . John 12:31 ... Jesus said ... "* NOW * the prince of this world will be CAST OUT." . John 16:11 ... "the ruler of this world HAS BEEN JUDGED ." . 1 Cor 15:27 ... "FOR HE (GOD) HAS PUT EVERYTHING UNDER HIS FEET." . 1 Corinthians 15:26 ...“The last enemy to be destroyed is DEATH .” . SO, WAS DEATH DESTROYED ?? 2 Tim 1:10... "Christ Jesus, who HAS DESTROYED DEATH and has brought LIFE and IMMORTALITY to light through the gospel." . QUESTION > If death was the last enemy to be destroyed, and Jesus destroyed DEATH ... then what does that mean for the devil ?? . LET'S CONTINUE ... . HEB 2:14 ... "He too shared in their humanity so that by his death,  He might DESTROY him who holds the power of DEATH - that is the devil.” . OK, ( PAUSE ) ... Since the devil held the &quo